Live In the... 106-North Condominiums
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There Are/Is Active Listings
In 106-North
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Location: 102- 118 East North Street, & 609 - 617 Fort Wayne Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Neighborhood: North Meridian District Year Built or Converted: 2017 Total # Condos:
Size Range:
1510 sq ft - 1718 sq ft
Bedroom Options: - 2 Bedrooms 2 Bath Flats
- 2 Bedrooms 2.5 Bath Townhomes
What's Different About This building: - The Flat Units Are on the "2nd Floor" Above The Flats
- The Townhome Units are above the Flats on Floors 3 & 4
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Parking - All Units Have 2 Car Attached Garages
- The Townhome Units Have Tandem Garages
Amenities: - ###########################
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Based on a Sample Address Within The Neighborhood Based on a Sample Address Within The Neighborhood SORTED MOST TO LEAST EXPENSIVE
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Real Clients, Real Results, Real Reviews...
I always felt relaxed and like his only client...
Purchasing Indy real estate virtually from California during covid, was not within my comfort zone. I needed an agent to patiently show me things as though I was there myself, speak with blunt honesty and find balance between my "desire" list and a stable long term investment.
Mitch doesn't miss a beat! He is highly intelligent, engaged with his clients - stellar communicator with a wealth of wisdom not only through the home buying process, but in life. I always felt relaxed and like his only client, yet knew he was doing much hard work in the background.
I've heard in life that "your realtor is your best friend!" Best friends work for your best interest; he was always right there and always told it like it appreciated!!! He exceeded all expectations and hope to work together again in the future!KRISTINA & ROBERT O
About Mitch
Mitch leverages his local expertise, combined with his meaningful business and life experiences, and decades of professional leadership and growth in the construction and technology industries to contribute to his success as one of Greater Indy's Top REALTORs.
Mitch is committed to helping change the lives of his clients as they start their next chapter, by making it easier, more enjoyable and more profitable for his clients that design, build, buy, and sell their home, condo, townhouse or investment property!
Do You Need, Or Want, To Sell First Before Buying In 106-North Condominiums?
Most Agents ... Say What You Want To Hear Mitch Shares What You Need To Know!
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