The amount of any Buyer's Agent Commission, being paid by the seller, will not be visually apparent as part of the MLS known locally as the BLC.

While Seller’s can, and likely will, still offer to pay Buyer’s Agent Compensation for an agent that’s 100% representing ONLY the buyer’s interest, this amount will not be visually apparent as part of the MLS known locally as the BLC. Additionally, any offers of this compensation by Sellers can NOT be made using any MLS related service like through the showing service that’s connected to the MLS/BLC. So, effective July 1, 2024, the Buyer’s Agent will need to determine what amount, if any BAC, the seller has included as part of the List Price so that the Buyer(s) can then determine if they even want to look at the property, or alternatively consider the property with the intent to ask the Seller(s) to pay the BAC as part of any offer.

To address this change as a Listing Agent, ToHelpUmove will now include a “BAC QR code” that will be shown on every for sale sign, and on all marketing literature, that easily directs and connects users to where Buyer’s agents can see the BAC that’s included in the list price.